World Fair Trade Day 2013 Celebration Strengthening Fair Trade Relationship with the 10 principles of Fair Trade

Pekerti as a Fair Trade organization and member of the WFTO has never ceased to promote the Fair Trade movement and encourage producers to apply Fair Trade Principles in their premises.

As one of the promotions of Fair Trade conducted by the Pekerti is to always celebrate World Fair Trade Day (WFTDay) every year. To celebrate World Fair Trade Day 2013, Pekerti commemorated through three activities; Fair Trade product bazaar, medical check up for employees and planting trees at one of producer’s land.

news 2 news 3 The Fair Trade products bazaar was held in front of Pekerti’s office. It’s as a means to promote Fair Trade products to the local community. To be more effective in promoting the Fair Trade movement and Fair Trade Principles, Pekerti distributed bookmarks that explain about what is Fair Trade and the 10 principles to the customers, in addition to displaying the standing banner of Fair Trade Principles in bazaar area.

An honor for Pekerti when the bazaar was visited by a special visit from Mrs. Barbara  Brouwer, one of the initiators of Pekerti. Mrs. Brouwer was in Indonesia and taking the time to come to the office and visit the Fair Trade Product Bazaar held by Pekerti.

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“I want to buy a gift for all my friends and relatives in the Netherlands” says Mrs. Brouwer while choosing unique products from Indonesia.

In addition to Fair Trade products bazaar, Pekerti also conducted medical checks for staff. Using a simple medical screening, the activities conducted to determine the level of health of Pekerti staff and the results of the checked up it can be concluded that the Pekerti staff in a healthy condition.

Tree planting is Pekerti’s annual program as a form of implementation of Fair Trade principles. In 2013 Pekerti has planning to plant about 700 trees in accordance with the Pekerti’s commitment to plant one tree for every U.S. $ 1,500 sales. The 700 seeds of this tree will be distributed to producers to be planted in their neighborhood. Corresponded to the tree planting program, the celebration of WFTDay 2013 was conducted with the planting 100 of Albazia Falcataria trees at Pekerti’s producer’s land, Heru Firmansyah (Pramanik group), in Sumedang, West Java. WFTDay 2013 activities that took place on May 11, 2013 attended by Pekerti staff and members of Pramanik group lead by Heru Firmansyah.

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After the celebration of WTFDay, the remaining tree of 700 seeds of trees will be planted to other producers in other region such Bali and Yogyakarta on the next rainy season (at the end of the year) Trough the tree planting program, Pekerti hopes that producers willing to get involved in environmental programs and start from their nearest environment. Pekerti will keep continuing the tree plantation program, it will be not only in WFTDay celebration, but also will continue to campaign for tree planting in the other producers. Hopefully this program gives contribution positively to environmental protection in Indonesia generally in a wider context.


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