Indonesia was shocked again by disasters. During October Indonesia was hit by three disasters in Three areas; flood disaster in Wasior (West Papua), earthquake and tsunami in Mentawai Island (West Sumatra) and eruption of Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta and Magelang (Central Java).
Flood Wasior, West Papua
A Flash flood swept to Wasior City , West Papua, on Monday (4 / 10), at around 08.30 Eastern Indonesian Time, when people are just starting their activities. The Heavy water flow also able to dragging rocks and trees, and destroying anything. The flash floods wipe out everything on the ground. Overflow of Angris Rivers and Liot River swept Wasior residential.
Based on the information from, said that according to data Satkorlak Wasior Disaster, number of people who died from flash floods on Monday (4 / 10) are 162 people, 146 people are missing , 86 people were seriously injured, minor injuries are 3374 people . Wasior disaster also led to about 9,000 people evacuate to another place, more than 4,000 people evacuate to Manokwari, more than 1,000 people evacuate to Nabire and thousands of people evacuate to the outside of Papua.
Earthquake and Tsunami in the Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra.
[imagebrowser id=5]At Monday night (25/10) at 21:42 pm, the Mentawai islands, especially in coastal areas, such as Pagai South Island, Sikakap Island and Sipora island -hit by an earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter Scale and Tsunami.
Based on information from, victims data of the earthquake and tsunami in Mentawai, West Sumatra, is still disconcerting. However, official data reported to the Vice President Boediono said, until Wednesday (10/27/2010) afternoon, number victims are died are 154 people, 400 people are missing and 4,000 people evacuated. The earthquake and tsunami destroyed buildings and infrastructure. The buildings that were damaged are civilian homes, schools, houses of worship, and bridges.
Currently ,Mentawai tsunami survivors need clothing, bedding, blankets, kitchen equipment, and medicines.
The Eruption of Mount Merapi, Yogyakarta and Magelang (Central Java)
Merapi Mountain that located between Yogyakarta and Magelang (is one of the most active volcano in Indonesia). Although no one know when the first eruption, but estimated Merapi has erupted more than 100 times since the 5th century A.D
On Tuesday (26/10), Merapi Mountain entered the stage of eruption. According to the report of BPPTKA (Center of Investigation and Technology Development of Volcano), the eruption occurred around 17.45 pm three times, followed by 1.5-meter-high heat clouds that lead to Kaliadem, Kepuharjo.
Ash rain from the top of Merapi has spread until a radius of eight kilometers even to Sleman in Yogyakarta so that people begin to feel the heat and difficulty breathing. Therefore, people were evacuated to a evacuation post.
Based on information from Tvone news, at least 30 people killed by the eruption of Merapi mountain, which is found in Kinahrejo, Umbulharjo Village, Cangkringan sub village, Sleman , Yogyakarta..
Almost all the houses of residents in Kinahrejo crushed by hot clouds Merapi Mountain which was estimated to reach 600 degrees Celsius with a speed of 300 kilometers per hour.
Yogyakarta is the centers of Pekerti’s producers come from. But based on the last information from Yogyakarta Pekerti’s staff, Pekerti’s producers were not affected by the volcano.
Nevertheless Pekerti plan provide first aid to victims of this volcano disaster. Pekerti hopes that with the help, Pekerti can take the pain ease of disaster victims. Beside provides the first aid, Pekerti also will gather any data and information of victims and the area that affected by the volcano to set what Pekerti can do to help these victims.
If you can support the survivors of the three disasters in three areas of Indonesia, please direct your donation (in Rupiah IDR) to our bank account :
Yayasan Pekerti
Account No. : 3217.01.000009.309
Bank Name and Address : Bank BRI Unit Rawamangun Cabang Jatinegara
Jl. Sunan Sedayu no. 1 Rawamangun. Jakarta
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