As a mother, the best education for her child is her priority in life. And in order to meet that need, he will be willing to do as best as possible.This thought underlies Yolita to work at the Pekerti Foundation, which she has been there for up to 14 years.Over time there are many things […]
Survey Mapping of Potential Handicraft Recycle Product Businesses
Jakarta as the nation’s capital and center of government which is oriented to public services, with development in multi sectors, it must be held with principle of sustainable development and environmental friendly. The activity of strengthening businesses and product development for environmental friendly recycle products is one of the concrete steps of the Jakarta Government […]
Program For Developing Quality Of Batik Product As The Most Potential Product Of Bojonegoro And Market Accces Expantion In The National Level
As a follow-up of the project Market Access Expansion and Product Development in Bojonegoro in 2018, Pekerti and Association for Community Empowerment (ACE), re-collaboration to continue the project by focus on strengthening women entrepreneurs in aspects including : Improving the quality of batik as a the most potential product of Bojonegoro through product development and […]
Mentoring Program for Women Entrepreneur in Slum Area, Jakarta
As a follow up of social entrepreneurship training to women enterpreneur group in Jakarta, Pekerti continued with the assistance to the trainees through mentoring process. This mentoring was aimed to make the training material can be implemented in participant’s businesses. In addition to motivating the participants groups to continue to grow and be creative in […]
Social Entrepreneurship Training
Pekerti supported by Jasa Raharja PT, the government insurance company, held social entrepreneurship training that participated by women artisan group and Pekerti’s staffs. The training provide knowledge about social entrepreneurship and motivate them to develop their own business. For Pekerti’s staff, the training is to improve the ability to assist and motivate artisan groups to […]
Skill Enhancement Program Through Product Development Training in Bojonegoro, East Java
After the first product development training program was conducted in 2017, In collaboration with Association for Community Empowerment (ACE), Pekerti implemented an advanced product development program. This program aims to improve the skills of previous trainees. This training need to be done based on the results of quality checked of the trial order given after […]
Handicraft Development in Bojonegoro, East Java
In collaboration with Association for Community Empowerment (ACE), Pekerti to conduct Marketing Development Program for Women Entrepreneurs through handicraft development in Bojonegoro, East Java. Handicraft business is one of alternative local potential to become source of income for local community in surrounding oil and gas exploration area in Bojonegoro. This project was started by a […]
Marketing Development Program for Women Entrepreneurs and Fair Trade Concept Dissemination
Pekerti together with other NGOs (Association for Community Empowerment/ACE, Terasmitra, Buy to Donate Store and Pink Publicist) which concern to micro and small enterprise, conducting collaborative women empowerment project. The Goal of the project is to increase women’s prosperity through micro and small enterprise development. The activity includes product development training, market access development through […]
COVID-19 Update from Pekerti
The global pandemic of the corona virus, known Covid-19, has spread throughout the world, and poses a threat to all countries. We are in Indonesia also affected by the pandemic, and it has spread 34 provinces, the highest case distribution area of the corona virus pandemic is in Jakarta province where the Pekerti office located […]
Happy New Year 2018!
Pekerti Celebrated Its 42th Anniversary
Training for Women Artisan Group in Jakarta
As one of the concrete activities Pekerti creates for women empowerment is by continuing to provide a training series to the women artisan groups who live in Pekerti’s surrounding warehouses. They were trained to make packaging boxes covered by batik paper printing. The training was led by Pekerti’s warehouse staff. The boxes are usually needed […]
Social Enterpreneuship Training
Pekerti supported by Jasa Raharja PT, the government insurance company, held social entrepreneurship training that participated by women artisan group and Pekerti’s staffs. The training provide knowledge about social entrepreneurship and motivate them to develop their own business. For Pekerti’s staff, the training is to improve the ability to assist and motivate artisan groups to […]
Producer’s Corner
Producer’s Profile :Rattan Mandiri group, From : Cirebon Before the group was formed, Onay Karwita learned his skill from his cousin-in-law, Kardi, at. Sumber Alam, the largest producer of rattan in Majalengka. After nine years as a worker, he felt that he need to be independent and have own business. Then in 1989 Onay built […]
Selamat Tahun Baru 2018!
Perpisahan Ibu Rachmayati
Tepat pada tanggal 19 Desember 2017, Ibu Rachmayati, Kepala Divisi Umum, Keuangan dan Personalia, mengakhiri masa baktinya di Yayasan Pekerti tepat di usianya yang ke 60. “Selama 31.5 tahun, saya bekerja di Pekerti, banyak pelajaran yang bisa saya petik. Berat rasanya meninggalkan Pekerti yang sudah menjadi rumah kedua bagi saya,” ungkap Ibu Rachma sambil berurai […]
Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Sosial
Pekerti didukung oleh Jasa Raharja PT, perusahaan asuransi pemerintah, menyelenggarakan pelatihan kewirausahaan sosial yang diikuti oleh kelompok pengrajin perempuan dan staf Pekerti. Pelatihan ini memberikan pengetahuan tentang kewirausahaan sosial dan memotivasi mereka untuk mengembangkan bisnis mereka sendiri. Bagi staf Pekerti, pelatihan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan untuk membantu dan memotivasi kelompok artisan untuk mengembangkan bisnis […]
Pelatihan Bagi Kelompok Perajin Perempuan Jakarta
Sebagai salah satu kegiatan nyata Pekerti untuk pemberdayaan perempuan adalah dengan terus memberikanrangkaian pelatihan kepada kelompok pengrajin wanita yang tinggal di sekitar gudang Pekerti. Mereka dilatih untuk membuat kotak kemasan yang ditutupi dengan kertas printing batik. Pelatihan tersebut dipimpin oleh staf gudang Pekerti. Kotak tersebut biasanya dibutuhkan oleh Pekerti untuk mengemas berbagai produk kerajinan. Mudah-mudahan […]
Perayaan 42 Tahun Hari Jadi Pekerti
Pekerti Merayakan hari ulang tahun yang ke 42 dengan mengadakan syukuran makan bersama seluruh staf Pekerti. Kita semua berharap Pekerti akan terus menjadi suara bagi para perajin di seluruh Indonesia untuk mendapatkan kualitas hidup yang lebih baik melalui Perdagangan Adil (Fair Trade).
New Logo for Carisouvenir
Carisouvenir is one of Pekerti’s online shop which provides a variety of handicraft products for local market. After 4 years established, Carisouvenir (means finding souvenirs) reviewed its logo by branding clinic that led by Pink Publicist. The new logo was designed simpler and represent that Carisouvenir is the online shop that provide environment friendly products. […]
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