In early September 2009, Tasikmalaya, an area West of Java, experienced an earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale. More than 81 people were killed, 45 people remain lost and 1238 people were injured. 177,490 people were displaced after hundreds of thousands of buildings were damaged.
In lending their support to disaster victims, Pekerti visited two districts in West Java to provide emergency assistance in the form of cash to the victims, through the local chief. Pekerti worked to provide assistance to 100 homes for victims through designing and submitting a proposal to build these houses. This proposal was sent to Pekerti buyers and partners. Pekerti is grateful for the positive response received from Ten Thousand Villages Canada, who contributed USD$12,000.
Pekerti would like to sincerely thank its partners who have helped fund its emergency response to the West Java earthquake. We will continue to accept funds up to the amount of USD$163,000. If you would like to give a donation please do not hesitate to contact us at or
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