In collaboration with Association for Community Empowerment (ACE), Pekerti to conduct Marketing Development Program for Women Entrepreneurs through handicraft development in Bojonegoro, East Java. Handicraft business is one of alternative local potential to become source of income for local community in surrounding oil and gas exploration area in Bojonegoro.
This project was started by a mapping survey for marketing and product potential mapping to arrange handicraft development program in Bojonegoro. The objective of this survey was to collect data on handicraft industry in Bojonegoro and Blora.
The survey result shows that most of artisans are facing the same problems. They still have lack of knowledge and skill on product design, quality, production capacity and market access.
The first step that taken to overcome this issue, the project was focus on primarily on the product design and development training. The project chose two product groups that have most potential to be followed up by this training, as a pilot project. The two product groups are flannel and patchwork products. Through this training skill of sixteen women artisans were increased. The flannel artisan group have new skill to make 40 new product designs and patchwork artisans have new skill to make 8 new product designs.
Positive Outcome of Project
Generally, the success we gained on this projects were:
First, there was the increase of beneficiary’s skill of production. In term of model of product development, it’s already developed; proven by the existing of 40 new velt product designs and 8patchwork bag product designs.
Second, this program has been able to improve the roles of the women on the business activities; they, increase their skill and start their own business that was one of beneficiaries produce and sell the bag products
Third, theres is growing awareness of the participants to utilize the remnants of the material to be made into sellable products
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