
Pekerti provides over 50 producers across the archipelago with an alternative source of income. We actively aim to recruit two new producers per year, and are often able to include many more beneficiaries through community development projects. We have found our producers come from a variety of regions, cultures and skills sets, but the one thing they have in common is their desire for financial stability. What Pekerti provides them with are the tools and platform required to learn and excel, and a nudge in the right direction – they do the rest.

Pekerti’s interest is in working alongside our producers to help them help themselves. As a supplier organisation our job is to prioritise support of producer partners by monitoring trends, keeping training current and assisting in problem-solving. We do this through regular visits in the field. Visits allow us to conduct assessments, brainstorm in product development and gain valuable feedback.

Our policy of regularly visiting our producers has resulted in very special relationships between staff and producers, some of them lasting for over twenty years!

Bali :

1. I Made Sujana of Baladewa.

2. I Ketut Alit Anggawardana of Kasiani.

3. I Made Bawa of Bawa Collection.

4. I Made Wira Widiana of Onno Silver.

5. I Wayan Ngicen of Arum Sari.

6. Ida Bagus Suamba of Dinata.


Haryanti of Soba Handicraft.

East Java :

Nur Hayati of Mega Indah, Blitar

Yogyakarta :

1. Kusmanto of Gangga Collection.

2. Musidi of Sanggar Dewi Sri.

3. Sutrisno.

4. Sumijan.

Central Java :  

Abdul Wahab of KPTB, Pekalongan

West Java :

1. Heru Firmansyah of Pramanik, Sumedang.

2. Warwan Darmawan of Gita Aria, Ciamis

3. Aso Sudarso of Dadan Craft, Subang.