Indonesian People’s Handicraft Cooperative or Koperti is the saving and loan cooperative which the member are Pekerti’s board, staffs and producers. In June 02, 2016 Koperti conducted the 14th and 15th annual member meeting that attended by 18 members. Some members who could not attend gave proxy to other members. In this meeting Koperti’s board presented the cooperative’s performance report during the year 2014 and 2015, which was then approved by members.
The meeting also elected the new board chairman for 2016-2018. Heri Kusworo has been voted in as the new chairman of cooperative to replace Toufik Ardiansyah. Congratulations Heri !!!
“It is a real honour to be elected as Koperti’s new chairman and I am extremely grateful for this opportunity. I will endeavor to do my role as best as I can over the next three years”, Heri says.
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